Salobreña displays its PGOU until 23 February |
Wednesday, 28 January 2009 |
Local parties (PP and PSI) have pushed for the plan for urban development (PGOU) for Salobreña to be put on display to the public until the 23 February. There have been changes made to the original plan and the Councilor for Public Works Manuel Pérez Cobos, feels that it is only right to give residents an opportunity to make representations about any element of the plan which might affect them.
On show in Salobreña public library
All the documents relevant to the latest PGOU can be found exhibited on the second floor of the public library and in the entrance hall of the town hall. Residents can approach technical personnel for any clarification of the plan. The last chance to attend a public presentation of the plan will take place at 7pm on the 28th January within the Casa de la Cultura of la Caleta. For further clarification, you can take a look at the web page of the Salobreña Town Hall.