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Best known for the hippy community which has established itself beside the town, Órgiva is also the capital of the Alpujarras and the largest town in this mountain region. Although it is situated in the mountains Órgiva enjoys a milder climate than many other places in the region and is thus surrounded by orange and lemon orchards and olive groves. Owing to its popularity with tourists and travellers there is wide range of shops in the town and organic and wholefood goods are relatively easy to find here compared to other towns in the area. There is also a wide variety of accommodation in Órgiva, ranging from town houses and holiday homes in the town itself to larger villas and cortijos further afield. A good starting point for an exploration of Las Alpujarras, Órgiva is popular with walkers, who can ramble up through the forests surrounding the town, along the nearby River Chico or climb the nearby Sierra Nevada, Sierra de Lujar, and Sierra Contravesia. Orgiva Granada
Author: Rosaflor


While some local historians believe Órgiva is the Greek settlement of Exoche mentioned by Ptolemy, the first written references to the town do not appear until the 12th Century. At this time the name Hisn Órgiva is given to the castle of the choir of Elvira, although this name was changed during the later reign of the Nazrid princes to the name of Albastch, which means flat or plain. The name changed yet again over subsequent years and the town became known as Albacete de Órgiva, eventually giving us the modern day name we have today. Taken from the Moors in 1492 by the Catholic king, Boabdil, it changed hands several times before coming to rest under the rule of the Marquis of Balencuela. These days the main remnants of Órgiva?s history are the 16th Century twin spire church � Iglesia de Nuestra Senor de la Expectacion, the palatial house of the counts of S�stago, and the remains of the Benisalfe windmills from the 15th century.

El Benificio commune and the Dragon festival

No description of Órgiva would be complete without mention of the El Beneficio commune, a community of travelers and new age thinkers living in caravans and teepees. Many of those in the commune believe alternative spirits are drawn to the area because of the beautiful mountains, valleys and springs, and its rich history, and it is common to see full moon gatherings there in summer months. Órgiva?s commune is also famous for its Dragon festival, held to celebrate the Spring equinox, which draws big crowds eager to dance and drink and party.

Images from Órgiva

Orgiva y la Contraviesa. Octubre de 2009
Environs d'Orgiva
Author: wx

Author: Lizette
Author: Julita
Author: Lizette

capilla drag�n
Author: Lizette
Author: dimashoo

Author: Marta88
Author: Lizette

Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners.

Towns close to Órgiva

Carataunas (2.8 km), C��ar (2.8 km), Los Tablones (2.9 km), Soport�jar (3.5 km), Lanjarón (5.0 km), Pampaneira (7.1 km), Bubi�n (8.3 km), Izbor (8.9 km),

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