Leisure centre dedicated to handicapped in Motrl |
Wednesday, 28 January 2009 |
People with different levels of physical and mental capacity have just had a 140 sqare metre space opened up to cater for activities and meetings in Motríl. Part of the San Luis residential home, the area will be a centre for this section of the community to enjoy, share ideas, plan projects, organise activities and spend their free time together.
Well-lit multi-purpose space
Providing room for a hall, office and stage, the area will serve as a meeting point for the handicapped community. Talks will be organised, as well as conferences and work shops, with the opportunity to sit down and exchange thoughts about activities as diverse as hydrotherapy and hipotherapy. As Motríl ’s Mayor Carlos Rojas pointed out, “The dedicated space will move to enhance the quality of life of this section of the community, helping to make Motríl into a city, which is more united, enjoyable and accessible to all.”