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Until the 1970�s Lecrín did not exist as a town but was simply an area consisting of six towns: Talar�, Mond�jar, B�znar, Murchas, Acequias y Chite. When the new district of Lecrín was established the larger town of Talar� took the name of Lecrín although it is still signposted as Talar� on some roads! Calle de Chite, todo un mirador al Valle de Lecrín. Octubre de 2010
Author: viajeroandaluz


Due to its excellent location halfway between Granada and the coast, its fertile soil and its good climate the Lecrín region has been inhabited since ancient times. The Tartessos - trading partners of the Phoenicians - established a settlement in the area in the 7th century BC. Lecrín itself dates at least from Roman times, evidenced by the Roman spa there. It was during the reign of the Moors in the 12th century however that Lecrín first came into its own. The new Islamic rulers expanded agricultural production in the area. Citrus fruit in particular was cultivated and the oranges and lemons grown in the Lecrín Valley today are still thought to be of exceptional quality. The expulsion of the Moors in 16th Century left Lecrín empty of people and its agriculture suffered. Although it was repopulated by Christians from other regions of Spain, it suffered another depopopulation in the 19th Century due to illness and emigration.


Nowadays Lecrín is the destination for immigrants instead of the departure point, especially the British, many of whom have settled in the Lecrín Valley area. Nig�elas - a village just above the Lecrín Valley district towns - is particularly favoured by British expats who come to enjoy the incomparable landscapes and affordable house prices there. Of the Lecrín towns Acequias is the highest at 867 metres above sea level. The district descends via Mondujar, Lecrín, Murchas, Chite to B�znar a mere 576 metres above the sea! Because of the fertility of the soil farming is still the principal occupation in the Lecrín Valley. The ancient narrow terraces first established by the Moors are still used today, often ploughed and worked by mules as the hills are too steep to allow cars and vans access. Many bars and restaurants in the Lecrín area serve dishes from local produce including olives, oranges, almonds, lemons, pomegranates and avocados.

Images from Lecrín

Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners.

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Towns close to Lecrín

Mond�jar (0.4 km), Murchas (0.7 km), Chite (1.0 km), Acequias (2.3 km), Meleg�s (2.4 km), El Valle (2.4 km), B�znar (2.5 km), Rest�bal (3.5 km),

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