Map of Itrabo
Upcoming events in Itrabo
- In 11 weeks (Thursday, Apr. 5th 2012)
Fiesta de vino - In 32 weeks (Thursday, Aug. 30th 2012)
Fiesta Senora de la Salud

Author: mike ackerfeldt
Although a small in size trabo has a long history starting with the arrival of the Phoenicians who settled in the area due its fertile soil, fresh water and the proximity of the sea. A sea faring nation the Phoenicians established a trade network that spanned much of the Mediterranean and it was during this expansion that trabo was born. A small farming settlement continued until the arrival of the Moors in the 12th Century. With their superior knowledge of irrigation the Arabs improved the primitive irrigation systems and created an extensive canal network which fed orchards and crops throughout the region. In trabo in particular the Moors brought new varieties of vine enabling the production of more diverse wines. After a period of instability and war during the 15th Century, the Catholic Kings declared their conquest of the Moors and expelled them from the region. This expulsion marked the depopulation of trabo, along with other villages in the area, which was further exacerbated by repeated attacks by pirates. Today trabo remains secondary to its coastal neighbours, Salobreña and Molvizar, although the cultivation of tropical fruits, such as mangos, nisbros and avocados, and the influx of tourists and foreign workers have swelled the village's numbers a little.Attractions
In addition to festivals during August and February, trabo also celebrates Culture week each April; an event that includes a wine festival in which local wines and foods are enjoyed. Without doubt the most important historical site in trabo is the main church, la iglesia de 'Nuestra Seora del Carmen' and the Hermitage of the 'Virgen de la Salud' that flanks it. Built in the 17th Century, the church and hermitage house the image of the saint which is paraded through the village during festivals. Also of note is the town's pretty fountain and public wash place which is still used as a meeting place by many inhabitants.Images from Itrabo

Author: mike ackerfeldt

Author: mike ackerfeldt

Author: claus124

Author: claus124

Author: claus124

Author: viajeroandaluz

Author: viajeroandaluz

Author: viajeroandaluz

Author: viajeroandaluz

Author: viajeroandaluz

Author: viajeroandaluz

Author: M.BOSCH
Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners.
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