The Right Place? |
Sunday, 08 March 2009 | |
We made several trips to the Alpujarras over the coming year, but not much success. Some houses we liked but the land was unsuitable or the track too long. Some had fantastic location but the house didnt catch the imagination. On all our trips we stayed with Dave and Belinda which was helpful as they had gone through all this themselves so had plenty of sensible advice. Eventually we were sitting back in England and we deceided to go out again purely for a holiday, no house hunting. We booked with Belinda and it turned out to be a red hot week, 42 degrees in the shade, even Ali who loves to fry in the sun had to admit defeat and sit indoors at the height of the day. We visited Trevelez, a beautiful mountain town, apparently it lays claim to be the highest permanently inhabited village in Europe, ( don't quote me, its only a claim!) Their speciality is the stunning dry cured ham so loved of tapas bars everywhere, something to do with air temperature and purity make it some of the best in the world. We also visited Granada, more specifically teh Alhambra Palace. WOW!! if you only have time to visit one place of interest while in Spain, this has to be the one. I wont even try to describe it, my meagre use of the English language could never do it justice. Anyway we had a lovely week chilling out. On the day before we went, i said to Ali "I know we are here for a rest, but can we just go to one property agent? I will feel like we have done something useful." Ali sighed but said OK, "But only one" I felt like a kid who had just persuaded his mum to buy him an ice cream. We went to an agent in the town (Cadiar) and arranged to see a few propertys. Up this track, down that one but nothing. We got back to his office and sat down a bit dejected. Then a picture on his board caught my eye, it looked familiar, I had seen it on the internet in my many surfings. It was a bit above our budget but we thought we would have a look anyway. It turned out to be a branch off the main track on the one we had travelled many times to Belindas. We pulled up outside, the view was stunning and not a neighbour in site. As we walked round the ramshackle property we both were silent, a rare thing indeed. We stepped outside and the agent said he would leave us to have a chat for a minute. Ali looked at me and said"What do you think?" "Its perfect." I whispered "I think so too" replied Ali. And so we had found Cortijo Serafin. Much love Ian B |
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