Workers in Granada avoid time off sick |
Thursday, 30 April 2009 |
According to a study by the Granada union CC OO, some 3000 people in Granada are refusing to take sick leave, for fear of losing their jobs during this infamous economic crisis. People are continuing to work through minor and not so minor illnesses and injuries just because they don’t want to run the risk of being sent off work and possibly replaced by any one of a what has become a long queue of potential employees during these tough times.
People are worried about jobs in Granada
It is estimated that each General Practitioner in Granada has on average between 1200 and 1600 patients allocated to them. Part of the study undertaken by the workers’ union has included looking at the feedback from a sample of GPs who have claimed that amongst their patients, an increasing number of individuals are continuing to work, with any number of physical problems ranging from tendonitis through to more serious conditions, simply because they are unable to cope without their next pay cheque, let alone stand the chance of losing their job all together. In this age of swine flu and a whole range of other unsavoury conditions, the repercussions don’t bare thinking about.