Blue zone annoys visitors to Almuñécar and La Herradura |
Tuesday, 07 April 2009 |
It just so happens that the parking metres are once again functioning (well, most of them, anyway!) and being magically monitored now that we’ve arrived in Semana Santa. Strange that, but not so funny for either the visiting tourists who want to relax and enjoy a sunny Easter, or indeed for the struggling local businesses in Almuñécar and La Herradura!
Benavides only wants those who can pay
Last year’s famous quote from Almuñécar and La Herradura’s Mayor Benavides heard him inviting those tourists who could not afford to pay for parking to holiday elsewhere. Certainly many visitors (and an increasing number of residents) are beginning to wonder whether the Mayor wants to encourage visitors and support businesses in Almuñécar or La Herradura at all. Between the international crisis, the economic problems facing Spain and the downturn locally, we have to ask just how does it help the town to have so few parking places due to the ugly, incomplete building projects and then to impose parking restrictions on what little is available? Surely gaining a few Euros on parking infringements can't be his strategy for overcoming the public debt ... or could it?