Hi All, This is potentially an excellent resource for all people moving to the Costa Tropical for buisness, pleasure or just for the holidays. As a person moving to the area, I really don't want to get into too much of an "Expat" frame of mind, I think most people choose this rural, relatively undiscovered area, as it offers a more "Spanish" way of life. From my point of view, I want to use as many local tradesmen as I can. A lot of Spanish tradesmen don't really consider the internet as a viable way of PR, but I think if you push the fact that a lot of immigrants to the country such as myself have, or will eventually have internet connection, so advertising in this medium could open up a whole new customer base for those wishing to expand or increase their turnover. The site is good, but maybe more visual stuff to increase its impact. Photos, videos, music etc.