Hello again. I am coming back to my favourite place in the world again on the 22nd of the month. I have to meet with my abogado and finalise all the legalities of our recently purchased cortijo. This might be interesting, as my Spanish is "sparse" to say the least and his english is non existant, still I enjoy a challenge! Got to meet with builders/architects/project manager and get final ideas and quotes for the old homestead before committing ourselves and giving the go-ahead. A friend is coming with me and hopefully in amongst all the work there will be time for some sight seeing. I will make sure there is time to sample the local food and drink, all work and no play etc. I am hoping to be able to start a Blog on this site soon. I will write a blow by blow account of how we found the area. the house etc and the ups, downs and occasionally sideways adventures we have had. Hopefully by the end of the year we will be living full time in the Alpujarras, so we will keep you informed of our progress. There are many similar sites to this but there is definately a lack of one difinitive site that can cover all aspects of the area for those thinking about coming here, and for those already here. Lets see if we can make this a usefull resource for us all. Bye for now.
Ian B