Dangerous shooting by hunters. 7 Months, 4 Weeks ago
Heather and I live in Guajar Alto in the Los Guajares and we have had hunters shooting within 10 metres of the house and in our neighbours olive groves we have also had shoot hit the house, this is not an isolated incident as a number of friends and neighbours have had similar problems. Dose anyone one the Law in this matter or a contact address to solve this problem.
Stephen & Heather.
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admin (Admin)
Posts: 13
Re:Dangerous shooting by hunters. 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Wow, this really IS like the wild wild west!
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Re:Dangerous shooting by hunters. 1 Week, 6 Days ago
You should check out article 8.2 and article 13 of Title II of the hunting law of April 4th, 1970: (Ley 1/1970, de 4 de abril, de caza. (BOE nm. 82, de 06-04-1970). )
I also found this ( after conducting a brief google search) which I found on the Junta de Extremadura website, although I'm sure the local law is similar:
[...] d) los ncleos urbanos y rurales.
e) las zonas habitadas y sus proximidades.
[...] - En los supuestos contemplados en las letras d) y e) del apartado 2. de este artculo, los lmites de la zona de seguridad sern los que alcancen las ltimas edificaciones o instalaciones habitables, ampliadas en una franja de 500 metros en todas las direcciones, excepto si se trata de edificios habitualmente deshabitados, en cuyo caso la franja de proteccin ser de 200 metros.[...]
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Re:Dangerous shooting by hunters. 1 Week, 5 Days ago
Thank you I will check before the hunting starts again.
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