Crisis delays animal refuge in Almuñécar |
Wednesday, 18 February 2009 |
The Almuñécar Town Hall has failed to meet its part of the agreement in paying for the works which cost some 800,000 Euros. The refuge has been completed, but its services are still pending.
Awaiting agreement between ASOSA and Almuñécar Town Hall
The SOS Animal Association of Andalusia (Asosa, headed up by Emilio Varela and Karen Warter) and the Almuñécar Town Hall signed an agreement over two years ago, in which the local government committed to funding the works for this ambitious project, at a rate of 200,000 each year, over a period of four years. Since then, we all know that the economy has done an about face and there seems to be no money left in the municipal pot, although the local town hall has said that they are exploring ‘alternative solutions’ so that the much-needed complex (enough to house 44 dogs and 20 cats, together with medical and cremation faclities) in Cantalobos can indeed be opened and put into action.